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July 26, the city Federation of Trade Unions to the work of the Commission and his party, wore the sun and the heat, came to GoldenDragon Auto Seat Co., Ltd condolences to the front line of workers, and sent to cool the cooling items.
Condolences group came to the scene, and front-line staff cordial conversation, told employees to pay attention to safe work in high temperature and heatstroke cooling. Supervise the company in the high temperature days do a good job of safe production and operation of the occasion, but also to pay close attention to the workers rest, health and safety, to ensure the creation of a harmonious and stable working environment.
Chairman of the trade union, said Mr. Lin, thanks to the City Federation of Trade Unions, machine workers to the company’s front-line staff care, trade unions will continue to work hard to do the company’s summer cooling work. To ensure that all employees of the company in the post “safe summer”.